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Sanakoroba, Mali

Firewood trading and charcoal production are the main causes of deforestation, affecting each year 100’000 hectares of tree cover around the city of Bamako.

With the awareness that one of the main drivers of deforestation is charcoal production, used for household cooking, our project aims to turn waste into energy.

More than 80% of the malian’s population is involved in farming and agriculture, leading to the production of a large amount of agricultural waste that is usually thrown away or burned. Our production process turns those leftovers into pellets with high calorific value, capable of replacing charcoal as traditional household cooking fuel.

Moving towards a circular economy reduces pressure on the environment, secures raw material supply, stimulates innovation and boosts economic growth. With a process based on capacity building, we locally develop our technologies, moving from core malian traditions, in order to successfully switch perilous habits with a sustainable product.

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Certified ISO 14001

nr 50 100 17428

for the Environmental Management System

in compliance with the requirements of

UNI EN ISO 14001:2015


Certificate valid for the scope of : Eco-sustainable design and development of innovative building materials using bioclimatic construction techniques through analysis of environmental impact and energy efficiency (IAF 34)


"Chiwarà represents a spirit half man half antelope, a skilled earthworker with magical powers that enabled him to transform matter. Not at all jealous of his knowledge he passed on his art to the people..."

Chiwarà Project Srl Società Benefit

Via Zanibelli 22, 42124, Reggio Emilia, (IT)

Fiscal Code and VAT number - 02993910351

REA number - RE331038

Registration date - 20.12.2022

Legal Representative - Ing. Mattia Bertolini

Share Capital - 3'250€

Detailed information at Registro

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